
The Aikido associations

Association Culturelle Suisse d’Aikido (ACSA)  
Union Aikido Suisse (UAS)  
Evolutionary Aikido Community (EAC)  
Aikido Switzerland (AS)  

invite you to the 2nd
Swiss Aikido Friendship Seminar


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Please be on the tatatmi five minutes before class starts.
Tatami Waza
Andreas Raudies
Michel Erb
Lunch break
Sonja Graf
Virginio Laurini
Patrick Cassidy
Peter Fankhauser
Sandra Keckeis
Marc Gothuey
Tatami Waza
End of event


Full Seminar – CHF 80.00
Single Session  – CHF 20.00
All Trainings Saturday 29.04.23 – CHF 60.00
All Trainings Sunday 30.04.23 – CHF 40.00

Please buy tickets at Eventfrog in advance!

Admission can also be purchased at the box office.

Directions and Contact



Stadthalle Sursee
St. Urban-Strasse 5
6210 Sursee


Aikido Sursee
Markus Steinmann (President)



Sursee has only paid parking. 
Directly opposite the Stadthalle you'll conveniently find the parking "Altstadt".

Contakt Aikido associations

ACSA – Association Culturelle Suisse d’Aikido
UAS – Union Aikido Suisse
EAC – Evolutionary Aikido Association
AS – Aikido Switzerland

Associations portraits 

Aikikai Switzerland
Septembre 1969

The Swiss Aikikai is the oldest association in Switzerland. The association consist of more than 30 Aikido dojos (clubs and schools), which have the same interest in Aikido and strive to enhance the public awareness of Aikido. The association was founded in 1969. Swiss Aikikai promotes the willingness to get to know the others, to respect everyone and to assure continuity. Swiss Aikikai unites generations. We value not only technical Knowledge, but also ethics and ideals. In September 2019, the associations celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Swiss Aikido Union
April 1976

The Swiss Aikido Union is a conglomerate of dojos with different backgrounds, which practice the principles of Aikido taught by O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba not only in training but also in daily life: AI (Harmony), Ki (Energy) and DO (the Path). The Swiss Aikido Union maintains good relations to similar associations.

Evolutionary Aikido Community
April 2018

We as the members of the Evolutionary Aikido Community hold this vision of Aikido as our art, our practice and our way:

Our vision emerges from the understanding that we exist in a single, interconnected, interdependent system, and that we are not separate from the other in conflict. We understand that damaging the other, damages the relationship, and thereby impacts who we are. The intention of our art is not to win over the other, but to skillfully bring embodied wisdom into conflict and Life. As practitioners we are catalysts for this evolution. We as the EAC wish to recognize that Aikido impacts our lives at many different levels.

Aikido Switzerland
April 2011

Aikido Switzerland is an association of dojos organized around the idea to explore, promote and distribute the knowledge of the Aikido.

Aikido Switzerland is organized as an umbrella organization, with different dojo-groups inside. Every group is an organization for itself. It has to respect the common regulations of the association which are based on the international regulations edited by the Aikikai Hombu Dojo in Tokyo.

There is no unique aikido style that characterizes the association. It is based on the mutual respect toward personal differences and expressions of Ai, Ki and Do. Aikido Switzerland encourages and supports the exchanges between the different groups and dojos of the association.

Teacher Portraits

Sandra Keckeis


Sandra Keckeis had her first contact with Budo in 1979 first with Judo in Aargau, then she changed to Aikido in 1986 and joined the Aikido Club Aarau, which until then was only open to adults. In 1992 she studied under the guidance of Sensei Bernard Caloz in Onex. In 1996 and 1999 she passed the exams for 1st and 2nd Dan with Sensei Masatomi Ikeda. From 1998 to 2000 she was president of ACSA and in 2003 and 2014 she made her 3rd and 4th Dan with Sensei Bernard Caloz. From 2010 until today she is an active member of the Aikido Club La Côte, founded by Bernard Caloz Shihan. She supports Aikido trainings for children and leads several ACSA days.

Active in Aikido for 36 years with joy and perseverance. Participation in numerous stages. Committed member of the association and always striving to promote the development of Aikido, to bring Aikido closer to others and to convey its values.

Michel Erb

Aikido Switzerland

Michel started Aikido in 1981. He quickly felt the need to enrich his practice through contact with different teachers. Driven by a great desire to discover, he decided to go to the Hombu Dojo in Tokyo and undertook his first trips to Japan in 1987 and 1989. During this period, he studied for several months under the direction of the Hombu Dojo experts. Since then, Michel returns regularly to Japan.

The "Shoshinkai Aikido" group of Aikido Switzerland appoints him as National Technical Director in 2011.

Michel was also called to the position of Technical Advisor by the Hellenic Aikido Union (HAU) in 2015.

Since 2019, he is also Technical Advisor for the Polish Aikido Group ( PAU ).

He became a representative of the Technical Commission of Aikido Switzerland in 2018.

Michel was elected representative of the FFAAA National Technical College in 2019.

Today, and since 1994, Michel is fully dedicated to teaching Aikido. He teaches in various dojos and leads numerous seminars in France and abroad.

Patrick Cassidy


Patrick Cassidy has studied the art of Aikido for over 35 years. Early in his career he lived and trained for almost 7 years with his primary school teacher Saito Morihiro Shihan in Iwama, Japan. He has also studied with Takeda Yoshinobu Shihan, Robert Nadeau Shihan and Peter Ralston, the founder of Chen Hsin. After Japan, he founded and managed a successful dojo in California. From California he moved to Switzerland, where he founded Aikido Montreux. For over 10 years he led Aikido Montreux under the supervision of Nadeau Shihan as a member of the Californian Aikido Federation. 4 years ago he founded the Evolutionary Aikido Community, which has over 23 dojos worldwide. The EAC is committed to honoring the traditional art as presented by the Aikikai and the Iwama dojo, but it is also driven by the perspective that Aikido is designed to support the development of our view of conflict and the skills we bring to its resolution.

Sonja Graf

Aikido Switzerland

Sonja's inner motivation is that beyond working with people, it is extremely important that the result of her work contributes to making society a better place, even in a small way.

Her career path is based on three pillars: 

  1. PhD in economics (or rather management and organisation) from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
  2. Fourth black belt in Aikido, general secretary of Aikido Switzerland since 2011.
  3. Master in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) from San Francisco, USA.

She organises national and international Aikido meetings and seminars. In 2009 she was appointed project manager for the organisation of an international seminar for the Swiss Aikido Cultural Association. This event attracted over 700 people to Neuchâtel from Japan, Germany, France, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Austria and other parts of Europe. 

In 2014 and 2018 it organised cultural exchanges between Switzerland and Japan. In collaboration with the Swiss and Japanese embassies, more than 50 children travelled to Japan, without their parents, to study culture, Aikido and gain maturity. 

Since 2010 she is the general secretary of the Swiss Aikido Association and responsible for the international relations with Japan. 

Sonja has been practicing Aikido for more than 20 years. Every week she gives about 10 trainings, for children, youth and adults. She also teaches Aikido at the Montessori school. She also teaches Aikido at the Montessori school and gives courses for the passing of grades and the deepening of knowledge in Aikido in Switzerland and abroad, thus educating future trainers and following them in their training.

Peter Fankhauser


My name is Peter Fankhauser, I run the dojo Aikido Unlimited in Uster together with Julia Geissberger. My work as a Trager practitioner and instructor inspires and enriches my Aikido in a decisive way and vice versa. It is not surprising that the healing aspect of Aikido has aroused my interest. It is not the movements and stretches that Aikido brings with it that I would call healing. Healing is more than a well functioning body. It is more this affirmative aspect that is inherent in Aikido, it is this inner attitude that accepts and adopts, even if it is NO. In the Trager work I experience that this not wanting anything has an immediate effect on my clients. A space of trust opens up, where they can relax and be themselves. In Aikido it becomes especially visible for Uke, the nature of the attack changes, the attack dissolves. This magic and unexplainable by our mind inspires me.

Andy Raudies


Andy Raudies started his Budo career in 1985 at the Judo School Lenzburg. Due to a change of ownership in 1987 the school offered Aikido as well as Judo. From 1992 on he regularly trained both martial arts, but mainly Aikido.
In addition to the lessons with Harald Wölfle in Lenzburg, he trained for several years with Ikeda Sensei in Zurich. Always present at national and international courses at home and abroad and with various teachers, he is constantly broadening his horizons.

In 2003 Andy opened his first aikido school, the only one in the whole Fricktal, which he now runs together with his colleague Marcel Zanyi. In 2016 his second school was opened in Küttigen near Aarau. Andy teaches well-founded and precise, with much joy and fun. Andy can be found almost daily on the Tatami, either in his schools, with colleagues in dojos or at courses at home and abroad as a student but also more and more often as a teacher.

Apart from a 5th Dan in Aikido, he also has other black belts in Judo and Ju-Jitsu as well as a well-founded trainer education of the Swiss Judo Association and Youth & Sport.

Marc Gothuey


At the age of 15, I started aikido in Geneva in 1981, as a student of Mr Claude Bompas and Jacques Dufey, currently 7 dan UAS, I climbed the Kyu and Dan levels over the years. Currently dojo cho of the aikido section at Lancy Palettes dojo.

I obtained my 1 dan in 1987. In 1988 I go to Osaka for 3 months, where I follow the teaching of Hirokazu Kobayashi, I come back amazed.

I continue my knowledge during training courses with many Japanese and French Sensei of which Jean Michel Merit in order to perfect my bases and my open-mindedness on various approaches of aikido.

I received 6 Dan UAS in 2018. I am a member of the new technical commission of this organisation since 2022.

In parallel with the Buikukai Switzerland (Jiro Kimura 8 dan), I am taking my Dan UAS/AIKIKAI equivalences (3 dan November 2022).

Virginio Laurini


Born in Monza in 1967, he began practicing Aikido in September 1989, thanks to the guidance of M. Giampietro Savegnago, participating in the stages held by M. Hirokazu Kobayashi in Italy.

While continuing his study under the guidance of M. Savegnago, he also followed other masters, of Aikido and other martial disciplines (Judo, Kendo, Ju-Jitsu) and in several European nations.

In December 2019, he was invited to hold the international Aikido internship in Recife, Brazil. Here he begins his association with Paolo Nunes Sensei,  V Dan (Brazil), and Pedro Girao Sensei, IV Dan (Portugal) from the school of Georges Stobbaerts Sensei.

In 2021 the Union Aikido Switzerland association recognizes him with the rank of V Dan, and in 2022 he is invited to form, together with other masters, the first technical commission of the UAS association.

He currently supervises his student teachers in Italy, has opened two dojos in Ticino, holds children's classes at an elementary school in Lugano, and teaches at the sports office of USI University (Università della Svizzera Italiana).

  • V Dan Swiss Aikido Union - Member of the Technical Directorate.
  • V Dan Italian Aikido and Budo Association (founding member)
  • III Dan F.I.J.K.A.M. - (Italian National Olympic Committee)
  • Representative in Italy of the Polish Autonomous Academy of Aikido.
  • Female anti-aggression instructor IMPACT method (USA).


Industriestrasse 3
CH-6210 Sursee
Tel. +41 41 541 67 67
Karte der Unterkünfte



Industriestrasse 3
CH-6210 Sursee

Tel. +41 41 541 67 67

Mit dem Promotionscode gibt es auf alle verfügbaren Zimmer CHF 25.00 Rabatt. Das Angebot ist gültig für Buchungen bis zum 31.03.2021.

Buchung nur über Hotelseite – Direktbuchung
Datum: 24.04.21 – 25.04.21
Promotionscode: aikido


Bahnhofstrasse 15
CH-6210 Sursee

Tel. +41 41 922 23 23

Vergünstigte Zimmer
EZ: CHF 100.00 / Nacht
DZ: CHF 140.00 / Nacht (Zweibett oder Grandlit)
Dreibett-Zimmer: CHF 175.00 / Nacht

inkl. Frühstück, W-Lan, Tiefgaragenstellplatz und Kurtaxe

Bei der Buchung wird eine gültige Kreditkarte zur Garantiehinterlegung benötigt.

Buchung per Mail
Datum: 24.04.201– 25.04.21
Promotionscode: Aikido 2021

Es gelten diejenigen Stornierungsbedingungen, die jeder Gast bei der Buchungsbestätigung erhält / ab 5 Zimmern treten unsere Gruppenstornierungsbedingungen in Kraft.

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We thank the Focus Hotel for their discount.
Karte der Unterkünfte
Bahnhofstrasse 15
CH-6210 Sursee
Tel. +41 41 922 23 23



Industriestrasse 3
CH-6210 Sursee

Tel. +41 41 541 67 67

Mit dem Promotionscode gibt es auf alle verfügbaren Zimmer CHF 25.00 Rabatt. Das Angebot ist gültig für Buchungen bis zum 31.03.2021.

Buchung nur über Hotelseite – Direktbuchung
Datum: 24.04.21 – 25.04.21
Promotionscode: aikido


Bahnhofstrasse 15
CH-6210 Sursee

Tel. +41 41 922 23 23

Vergünstigte Zimmer
EZ: CHF 100.00 / Nacht
DZ: CHF 140.00 / Nacht (Zweibett oder Grandlit)
Dreibett-Zimmer: CHF 175.00 / Nacht

inkl. Frühstück, W-Lan, Tiefgaragenstellplatz und Kurtaxe

Bei der Buchung wird eine gültige Kreditkarte zur Garantiehinterlegung benötigt.

Buchung per Mail
Datum: 24.04.201– 25.04.21
Promotionscode: Aikido 2021

Es gelten diejenigen Stornierungsbedingungen, die jeder Gast bei der Buchungsbestätigung erhält / ab 5 Zimmern treten unsere Gruppenstornierungsbedingungen in Kraft.

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We thank the Hotel Sursee for their discount.


Gallery Aikido Friendship Seminar 2017

Here some impressions of the 2017 meeting.
